尊龙凯时[中国区] 官方网站

HOdo Epaper Chinese | English

HOdo performs the 13th “potential risk inspection month” activity

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“every potential risk inspection month activity not only boosts our work but also betters our understanding to constant improve our comprehension level for our work in place”, according to HOdo Board Chairman Zhou Haijiang at the morning report meeting of the group on February 27. And in March, HOdo conducted the 13th “potential risk inspection month” activity. The constant but rapid development of HOdo relied on the potential risk inspection activities for efficiency improvement.


The year of 2017 is defined as the development year with “the three independent points” for the group, so this potential risk inspection month activity will highlight the deployment related to “independent innovation, brand and capital” to in-depth excavate the potentials and improve the efficiency from the four aspects of TOC management, TCM management, performance control and collection of reasonable suggestions.
