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    HOdo Epaper Chinese | English

    Zhou Haijiang served as the director of the Publicity and Education Committee of the ACFIC

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    On September 13, the establishment meeting of the Publicity and Education Committee of the ACFIC was held in Beijing. Li Zhaoqian, the full-time vice chairman and member of the ACFIC, attended the meeting and delivered a speech. At the meeting, Zhou Haijiang, the vice president of the China Chamber of Commerce and the chairman and CEO of HOdo Group, was appointed as the director of the Publicity and Education Committee of the ACFIC.

    The establishment of the Publicity and Education Committee aims to better guide the broad masses of non-public economic people to deeply understand Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, and the spirit of the 19th Communist Party of China National Congress,firmly establish the "four consciousnesses" and continuously enhance the "four self-confidences". Ensuring the implementation of policies of the party and state in the non-public sector of the economy, ensuring the voice of party can spread among non-public entities, promoting the healthy development of the non-public economy and the healthy growth of non-public economic people. In the future, the committee will carry out specific work on news propaganda, education and training, public opinion and social credit construction.



