尊龙凯时[中国区] 官方网站

HOdo Epaper Chinese | English

Zhou Haijiang: Four measures to promote the construction of independent and controllable advanced manufacturing

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From January 13th, Jiangsu entered the “two sessions time”. Zhou Haijiang, member of the Standing Committee of the CPPCC and chairman and CEO of HOdo Group, attended the meeting and made suggestions on the relevant agenda.


As early as July 23, 2018, at the Fourth Plenary Session of the 13th Provincial Party Committee, it was clearly stated that " Jiangsu leads China's manufacturing industry and We must make a difference in order to build an independent and controllable advanced manufacturing system." Zhou Haijiang gave four suggestions. He said that we must realize the independent controllability of core technology and core competitiveness with independent innovation, realize the division of labor and the independent control of the market with independent brands, realize the independent controllability of industrial integration and risk prevention with independent capital. And achieve the independent controllability of international development with the "Belt and Road".
