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      HOdo Epaper Chinese | English

      National brands teamed up HOdo and Huawei started strategic cooperation

      Published in: 2019-05-15

      On May 15th, On Huawei China Ecology Tour 2019·Wuxi Summit, HOdo Group and Huawei officially signed a strategic cooperation agreement, the two national brands will utilize the resources and technical advantages of the two sides in the industry to start exchanges and cooperation to promote the development of smart HOdo in the top-level planning and design, corporate management, Smart parks, industrial Internet, enterprise digital transformation, 5G technology applications and other aspects.


      According to the agreement, HOdo and Huawei will focus on industry trends and market demand, and aggregate the superior resources of both parties. The cooperation will focus on smart park construction, industrial Internet platform and digital planning and transformation. Under the background of high-quality development, HOdo Group firmly adheres to the “three-independence” development path of independent innovation, independent brands and independent capital, deploys Internet, Internet of Things, Industrial Internet, etc., and actively establishes strategic partnerships with top global enterprises, which is undoubtedly the correct posture for the transformation and upgrading of traditional manufacturing enterprises.
