• 尊龙凯时[中国区] 官方网站

    HOdo Epaper Chinese | English

    Zhou Haijiang won the title of "Time Model" in Jiangsu

    Published in: 2019-07-31

    On July 16, the Propaganda Department of the Provincial Party Committee held a press conference in Nanjing, which awarded Zhou Haijiang the honorary title of “Time Model” in Jiangsu. Wang Yanwen, member of the Standing Committee of the CPC Jiangsu Provincial Committee and Minister of Propaganda Department, attended the conference.

    Zhou Haijiang is currently the Party Secretary of HOdo Group, the Chairman of the Board of Directors, the Vice Chairman of the 11th All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce, the Vice President of All-China General Chamber of Industry and Commerce, and deputy to the 17th, 18th, and 19th National Congress. For more than 30 years, Taking the patriotism and the love for the party as his faith, taking the industry to serve the country as his mission, he focuses on industry and doing the main business, actively explores the modern enterprise system with Chinese characteristics, and embarks on a path of transformation and upgrading and independent development based on independent brands, independent innovation and independent capital, which has promoted enterprises to be among the top 100 Chinese private enterprises. He abides by the law, gives back to society, earnestly fulfills his social responsibilities, builds model projects in the construction of the “Belt and Road”, and dares to take responsibility in the journey of poverty alleviation. He is the representative of outstanding private entrepreneurs, a model for the majority of grassroots party members and cadres. He is a model of the practice of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era.

    The Propaganda Department of the Provincial Party Committee awarded Zhou Haijiang the honorary title of Jiangsu "Time Model", calling on the party members and cadres of the province to learn Zhou Haijiang's political character of loyalty to the party, patriotism and love for the people, entrepreneurial innovation, the spirit of pursuing excellence, the emotion of "Family-country” of responsibility, and to contribute our effort to the construction of a "strong, rich, beautiful and high level" new Jiangsu, to promote high quality development, taking the lead in the country and compose a new chapter of Jiangsu's development in the new era.

