尊龙凯时[中国区] 官方网站

HOdo Epaper Chinese | English

The central media interview group visits HOdo Group

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On August 19, the interview group for “adjusting structure and transforming mode” which was made up of the Xinhua News Agency, People's Daily, CCTV, Economic Daily and other central media carried out field interview and survey at HOdo Group. Cai Wenyu, deputy chief of the Publicity Department of Wuxi, Xu Yue, member of the standing committee of Xishan District party committee and head of the Publicity Department as well as other leaders and responsible person also showed up for the survey. During the colloquia, Zhou Haijiang, Party Secretary and president of HOdo Group introduced HOdo’s effort in accelerating the industrial transformation and upgrading by means of “three independents and six based”. At the same time, he also communicated with the reporters.  
